
Offerta didattica ed educativa 2015-2016           scadenza invio manifestazione di interesse: 18 dicembre 2015,  solo a parcoalpiapuane@pec.it


Environmental Education Proposals 2013/2014

Knowing and making the Park

Environmental education for a sustainable development
The concept of Environmental Education developed in the course of time: from the initial approach, which focused on the safeguard of nature, now a greater attention is paid to pollution, to the environmental emergencies and to the social and economic dynamics, in order to develop the broader concept of Sustainable Development Education. 
The Sustainable Development Education not only concerns environment, but also economy (consumption, poverty, north and south of the World...) and society (rights, peace, health, cultural differences...).

Culture is the basis which makes it possible to combine these three dimensions of sustainable development, therefore it is the instrument to foster a renewal inspired by the principles of sustainability and to determine the fundamental changes necessary to face the new millennium's challenges.

Sustainable Development Education regards all the life aspects and values, especially the value of respect: respect towards other people, both of the present and the next generation, towards diversity, environment, and the resources of the planet we all live in. 
The Sustainable Development Education aims at leading us to adopt behaviors and lifestyles that enable us to live without being deprived of the fundamental goods.

How to join the educational proposal "knowing and making the Park" 2014

PDF Send the entry form within 30th November 2014,

For the contest entitled "Il Parco nel Quaderno" (The Park in the exercise book) the deadline is the 21st March 2014

For information: Isabella Ronchieri - Tel. +39 0584 758202 -educazioneambientale@parcapuane.it



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portale del parco

storia estrattiva, paesaggio
minerario, cultura materiale

geoparco, geositi,
patrimonio geologico

natura, agricoltura,

rivista scientifica
del parco

sito istituzionale
del parco

viaggio nella grotta
delle meraviglie

orto botanico                
flora, vegetazione,

turismo, eventi,
attività culturali

arte, artigianato,
lavoro del marmo